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Rabu, 16 September 2015

Should grammar be taught at all?


Grammar is often misunderstood in the language teaching field. The misconception lies in the view that grammar is a collection of arbitrary rules about static structure in the language. Many language authorities have different attitudes to grammar. Joseph Webbe (1622) in Zhang (2009) writes, “No man can run speedily to the mark of language that is shackeld – with grammar precepts”. He maintained that grammar could be picked up though simply communicating; “By exercise of reading, writing, and speaking – all things belonging to Grammar, will without labour, and whether we will or not, thrust themselves upon us”.
            Michael Lewis in Zhang (2009) stated that, “Grammar is not the basis of language acquisition, and the balance of linguistic research clearly invalidates any view to the contrary”. A strong opinion come from Zhang (2009) that clearly stand with his opinion; “Grammar teaching is essential in language teaching field. Grammar rules like the molds of the parts of a machine, without them, workers can only stand by the iron – water. Similarly, English language learners who have been lacking in grammar rules instruction can neither use English language accurately to make a complete sentence, nor speak English language fluently on accuracy”.  

            It is exact that putting grammar in the foreground in second language teaching, because language knowledge of grammar and vocabulary is the base of English language. Grammatical competence is one communicative competence. Communicative competence involves knowing how to use the grammar and vocabulary of the language to achieve communicative goals, and knowing how to do this in a socially appropriate way. Communicative goals are the goals of learner’s studying English language. So grammar teaching is necessary to achieve the goals.  This statement leads to the conclusion that grammar is compulsory to be taught in the English language classroom. 


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