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Khamis, 12 Disember 2013

Why is it Mental Computation is important for children daily life application of money?


You give your children money before they go to school so that they can buy food in the school canteen or buy stationery on the way back home. You give them RM2 and they bring back home nothing. They spent it all!!

So, in order to help your children manage their money wisely, mental computation is absolutely an effective way to help them. Estimation and mental computation on money really can help children to save time doing long calculations. They used to do calculation using paper-and pencil method so its' going to take a very long time to do calculation when they want to buy something from the groceries as they need to take out their paper and pencil to do the calculation. So mental calculation is the best way to do calculation involving money whenever they want to buy something in the shop.

When they can do mental computation involving money, they can do such a good judgment as they can see the reasonableness of prices of items on sale. They can count in a fast way either a-RM5-items with 50% discount is much more cheaper than a-RM10-item with 60% discount. See. . . mental computation is such a problem solver for problem solving involving money and its really a help for your children. 

Mental computation on money is really useful because its help your children to solve problem when exact answers are not required. We know that 50% from RM5 is RM2.50 and 60% from RM10 is RM6. But how about, 50% from RM9.50? Just forget about the decimal, this is all about make a good assuming by judging for the best price and best valued item to be buy. Help your children learn this skills (mental computation), its really useful for their daily life activities. 


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